By Abdul-Latif Hamdan, Robert T. Sataloff, Mary J. Hawkshaw Dysphonia, or change in voice quality, can have a devastating effect on both the physical and emotional state of cancer patients. Meeting the vocal needs of cancer patients allows physicians to care for the entire patient and can have a dramatic impact on the overall quality of life of afflicted individuals. Non-Laryngeal Cancer and Voice explores the literature on voice problems in cancer patients, with a particular emphasis on how both the disease and treatment can affect the voice.
This text offers valuable information for a range of professionals involved in treating patients with non-laryngeal cancer, including laryngologists, speech-language pathologists, singing specialists, oncologists, and surgeons, as well as patients. By providing comprehensive information on disease- and treatment-induced dysphonia, the book can also act as a resource for voice professionals who develop common cancers and want to understand the potential voice consequences of the cancer and its treatment.
The initial three chapters of Non-Laryngeal Cancer and Voice provide basic information about the voice for non-laryngologists. Each of the remaining chapters focuses on a common type of cancer, such as lung cancer and breast cancer, and its unique effect on the voice.
Product Details
Publisher : Plural Publishing, Inc.; 1st edition (June 18, 2020)
Language : English
Hardcover : 271 pages
ISBN-10 : 1635503248
ISBN-13 : 978-1635503241
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