All New! Cleveland Clinic’s 18th Annual Obesity Summit is designed for a diverse mix of health care practitioners interested in innovative solutions and new strategies to care for patients with obesity. Causes of obesity and diabetes, preventive strategies, and therapeutic management approaches are discussed throughout this activity, with special focus place on health disparities, lifestyle, diet & exercise, surgical treatment, medication, patient-centered treatment, complications and weight recurrence.
This activity is essential for all physicians, nurses, physician assistants, social workers, psychologists, pharmacists and dieticians involved in the care of patients with obesity. ANCC, AAPA, ASWB, APA, ACPE and CDR accreditation also provided with NO POST TEST. Additionally, physicians can earn up to 13 points for ABIM, ABP and ABS Maintenance of Certification (MOC).
Topics include: Obesity as a chronic disease, metabolism, the impact of bias on patient care, ketogenic diets, physical activity as a modulator, negative body image, cardiovascular impact, pediatric and elder obesity, metabolic and bariatric surgical solutions, treatment innovations and much more!
The Cleveland Clinic’s 18th Annual Obesity Summit 2025 is designed for a diverse mix of healthcare practitioners interested in innovative solutions and new strategies for caring for patients with obesity. The target audience includes:
- Physicians
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- Physician assistants
- Dietitians
- Social workers
- Psychologists
- Pharmacists
- Researchers
- Hospital and corporate administrators
The summit covers a wide range of topics, including the causes of obesity and diabetes, preventive strategies, therapeutic management approaches, health disparities, lifestyle, diet and exercise, surgical treatment, medical treatment, patient-centered treatment, obesity types and complications, and weight recurrence.
+ Topics:
Session 1 Obesity Care Setting the Stage Are All Patients the Same How Does Race and Ethnicity Change Your Approach to Obesity Treatment.mp4
Session 1 Obesity Care Setting the Stage Obesity as a Chronic Disease Understanding the Metabolic Adaptation of Obesity.mp4
Session 1 Obesity Care Setting the Stage Obesity in Primary Care setting.mp4
Session 1 Obesity Care Setting the Stage Panel Discussion.mp4
Session 1 Obesity Care Setting the Stage Unconscious Bias and the Impact on Patient Care.mp4
Session 2 Non-Pharmacological Management of Obesity Back to the Basics Obesity Treatment Beyond Medications.mp4
Session 2 Non-Pharmacological Management of Obesity How to Prescribe a Physical Activity Rx.mp4
Session 2 Non-Pharmacological Management of Obesity Ketogenic Diets.mp4
Session 2 Non-Pharmacological Management of Obesity Panel Discussion.mp4
Session 2 Non-Pharmacological Management of Obesity Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness as Modulators of Health Outcomes.mp4
Session 3 Obesity Through Ages and Specific Complications Cardiovascular Kidney Metabolic Syndrome What Is It.mp4
Session 3 Obesity Through Ages and Specific Complications Gender Diverse Population and Obesity Understanding the Intersection.mp4
Session 3 Obesity Through Ages and Specific Complications Management of Childhood Obesity.mp4
Session 3 Obesity Through Ages and Specific Complications Mediterranean Diet, Exercise and Sleep Apnea.mp4
Session 3 Obesity Through Ages and Specific Complications Obesity in the Elderly Population.mp4
Session 4 The Present and Future of Obesity Care A Call For Sharing Responsibility For Improving Access to Evidence-Based Obesity Care.mp4
Session 4 The Present and Future of Obesity Care Gaps in Care When Treating Patients With Obesity.mp4
Session 4 The Present and Future of Obesity Care How to Treat Obesity When GLP-1 Agonists Are Not Available.mp4
Session 4 The Present and Future of Obesity Care Panel Discussion and Patient Narratives.mp4
Session 4 The Present and Future of Obesity Care The Year in Review Hot Topics in Obesity Care.mp4
Session 5 Surgical Management Adjuvant Obesity Pharmacotherapy in the Bariatric Surgical Patient.mp4
Session 5 Surgical Management AI, Digital Surgery and Simulation in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.mp4
Session 5 Surgical Management Health Benefits of Metabolic Surgery in the GLP-RA Era.mp4
Session 5 Surgical Management Metabolic Pathways in MAFLD The Role of Metabolic Surgery.mp4
Session 5 Surgical Management Panel Discussion.mp4
Session 6 Innovations and Treatment Bariatric and Metabolic Endoscopy.mp4
Session 6 Innovations and Treatment Digital Innovation at the Cleveland Clinic.mp4
Session 6 Innovations and Treatment Obesity Innovations in Europe.mp4
Session 6 Innovations and Treatment Panel Discussion.mp4
Session 6 Innovations and Treatment The New Kids on the Block Emerging Therapies.mp4
Session 7 Workshops Challenging Clinical Cases 1.mp4
Session 7 Workshops Challenging Clinical Cases 2.mp4
Session 7 Workshops Treating Negative Body Image.mp4