Testosterone therapy is one of the most controversial topics in medicine, yet multiple medical societies endorse its use, supported by level 1 evidence showing a variety of health benefits in men. This innovative and comprehensive course will focus on testosterone deficiency and its treatment in men and women and will also address several other sexual issues. Studies indicate that nearly 40% of men over the age of 45 have overtly low testosterone levels, yet education in this area is extremely limited. Similarly, there have been few educational opportunities to address sexual dysfunction in men and women. Approximately 40% of men and a similar percentage of women have one sexual dysfunction or another. Indeed, there have been several fascinating therapeutic advances in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in women that have received scant attention in other educational events.
The course is led by men’s health pioneer Abraham Morgentaler, MD, FACS whose research in the field transformed our understanding of the science of testosterone in men. Dr. Morgentaler has assembled as all-star faculty of thought leaders to address the most relevant issues and controversies, demystify the topic with science and clinical experience and provide an evidence-based approach to treatment. The course will also address management of several common sexual problems for men, including erectile dysfunction, and will also address several common sexual issues for women, including hypoactive sexual desire disorder. A clinical psychologist and sex therapist will explore non-medical strategies for managing couples with sexual complaints.
Program Highlights
- The importance of testosterone in male health
- The ABCs of testosterone
- Can testosterone be used in men with prostate cancer?
- Testosterone and the risk of breast cancer in women
- Reducing risks, including cardiovascular disease
- Effective and safe interventions to preserve fertility
- Is it low T or natural aging?
- The who, when and why of testosterone replacement therapy
- Advising patients on testosterone myths and facts
- Current evidence regarding HRT in women
- Addressing “hormonophobia”: What’s the truth?
- Evidence-based solutions for improving male sexual problems
- The TRAVERSE Trial results
- Hypoactive sexual desire disorder and other common sexual issues for women
- Real-world evidence – who’s a candidate for T therapy? Recent updates on society guidelines and recommendations
- Management of complex cases
- How to handle adverse effects from treatment (i.e., erythrocytosis, rise in PSA)
- Common female sexual issues and their treatment
- Non-medical strategies for managing couples with sexual complaints – expert advice from a clinical psychologist and sex therapist
- Evaluation of and cutting-edge treatment for ED
- Medical management of transgenderism
- Practical pearls from Dr. Morgentaler
+ Topics:
7:15 AM | 8:00 AM | Registration and Breakfast |
8:00 AM | 8:15 AM | Introduction and Welcome Morgentaler |
8:15 AM | 8:40 AM | The Importance of Testosterone in Men’s Health Morgentaler |
8:40 AM | 9:10 AM | History of Testosterone Therapy: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going Traish |
9:10 AM | 9:20 AM | What’s in a Name? Understanding the Terminology Morgentaler |
9:20 AM | 9:40 AM | Testosterone Physiology and Pathophysiology Traish |
9:40 AM | 10:00 AM | Refreshment Break |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Impact of Testosterone Deficiency: Health Consequences* Traish |
10:30 AM | 11:00 AM | Navigating a Sea of Guidelines: What You Need to Know Khera |
11:00 AM | 11:40 AM | Who Is a Candidate? The Marriage of Guidelines and Clinical Experience for Testosterone Therapy Morgentaler |
11:40 AM | 12:00 PM | Is it Low T or Natural Aging? Traish |
12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Lunch Break |
1:00 PM | 1:40 PM | How to Treat: Injections, Topicals, Pellets, Orals, Nasal Morgentaler |
1:40 PM | 2:10 PM | The TRAVERSE Trial and Cardiovascular Risks* Khera |
2:10 PM | 2:40 PM | Prostate Cancer and BPH Risks: What’s the Truth?* Morgentaler |
2:40 PM | 3:00 PM | Refreshment Break |
3:00 PM | 3:20 PM | Other Risks and Their Management: Case-Based Interactive Session* Morgentaler |
3:20 PM | 3:40 PM | Managing Testosterone Deficiency in Men Wishing to Preserve Fertility: Effective and Safe Interventions* Khera |
3:40 PM | 4:20 PM | Management of Complex Clinical Cases: A Case-Based Session Morgentaler |
4:20 PM | 4:50 PM | Question-and-Answer Session Panel |
7:30 AM | 8:00 AM | Breakfast |
8:00 AM | 8:30 AM | How to Evaluate and Treat Men with Erectile Dysfunction: Pills, Injections, Surgery and More Khera |
8:30 AM | 8:50 AM | New and Cutting-Edge Treatments for ED: Low-Intensity Shock Wave Therapy and PRP Khera |
8:50 AM | 9:10 AM | Premature and Delayed Ejaculation: Recommendations for Optimal Care Khera |
9:10 AM | 9:30 AM | Practical Tricks of the Trade in Treating ED and Other Male Sexual Issues: An RN’s Perspective Flinn |
9:30 AM | 9:50 AM | Refreshment Break |
9:50 AM | 10:15 AM | How to Treat Trans Men in 2025* Irwig |
10:15 AM | 10:40 AM | How to Treat Trans Women in 2025* Irwig |
10:40 AM | 11:20 AM | Bringing It All Together: Questions and Discussion* Panel |
11:20 AM | 12:00 PM | KEYNOTE: Testosterone, Science and Human Dignity Morgentaler |
12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Lunch Break |
1:00 PM | 1:40 PM | History of Testosterone Therapy in Women Traish |
1:40 PM | 2:00 PM | Beyond the Bedroom: Sociosexual Trends in the U.S.* Brandon |
2:00 PM | 2:40 PM | Physiology and Pathophysiology of Women’s Sexual Function Traish |
2:40 PM | 3:20 PM | Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women: Rationale and How I Do It Rubin |
3:20 PM | 3:40 PM | Refreshment Break |
3:40 PM | 4:10 PM | Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Rubin |
4:10 PM | 4:35 PM | Non-medical Treatments of Male and Female Sexual Dysfunction Brandon |
4:35 PM | 5:05 PM | Other Female Sexual Dysfunctions Rubin |
5:05 PM | 5:35 PM | The X-Factor: Partner Dynamics and Its Effect on Treatment Brandon |
5:35 PM | 5:45 PM | Question-and-Answer Session Panel |