By Nancy Tye-Murray
Thoroughly updated with three new chapters, Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults, and Their Family Members, Sixth Edition introduces the fundamentals of audiologic rehabilitation and hearing-related speech-language pathology in an easy-to-read, concise resource for the field of communication sciences and disorders. The text offers creative coverage of theory, clinical practice, and research-based approaches for identifying, diagnosing, and treating hearing-related communication disorders in children and adults. The book includes case studies, and general demographic, medical, and pop-cultural trends are considered in parallel with corresponding developments in aural rehabilitation.
The text is separated into three sections for the most comprehensive coverage of each topic: Part 1 describes the components of an aural rehabilitation plan, Part 2 concerns adults and their family members, and Part 3 concerns children and their parents. Important topics throughout include patient-centered services, counseling, diagnostics, selection and fitting of listening devices, conversational fluency and communication strategies training, auditory training, speechreading, language and speech acquisition, and literacy.
New to the Sixth Edition
Reorganization of chapters combine shared themes and streamline learning:
Audiological Examination and Listening Devices chapters have been combined into Chapter 2
Assessing Conversational Fluency and Communication chapters are now combined into Chapter 6
New chapters on:
Auditory training for children, with detailed guidance for developing training objectives and activities (Chapter 13)
Language development and language therapy (Chapter 14)
Speech and literacy acquisition, along with practical examples of lessons (Chapter 15)
Inclusion or expansion of special topics, including auditory processing disorder, hidden hearing loss, unilateral hearing loss, and cultural competency
Improved and expanded number of figures that illustrate and illuminate key concepts and ideas
Key Features
Focus on evidence-based approaches to aural rehabilitation
Written in an engaging and clear style
Chapters begin with Chapter Outlines and end with Key Chapter Points and Terms and Concepts to Remember
Case studies in each chapter
Numerous illustrations, tables, sidebars, and text boxes enrich the presentation of concepts
Bolded key terms throughout with definitions in the margins and a comprehensive glossary make for easy review
Chapter Key Resources and Appendices provide tools that can be used in clinical practice
PluralPlus Online Ancillary Materials
For Instructors: PowerPoint Lecture Slides, Test Bank, Case-Based Learning Activities, Teaching Tips, and Sample Course Syllabus
For Students: Study Quizzes, Exam Review Sheets, adn eFlashcards
Product Details
Publisher : Plural Publishing Inc.; Sixth Edition (October 31, 2022)
Language : English
Paperback : 567 pages
ISBN-10 : 1635504201
ISBN-13 : 978-1635504200
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