Exodontia Comprehensive Oral Surgery – Jason Hoium Module 14-18
Module 14 | Surgical Extraction Case Studies
1. Upper Right Central Incisor (Mesiodens)
2. Upper Right Central & Lateral Incisor (Decayed)
3. Upper Right Quadrant (Cracked Bridge Abutment & Endo Teeth w/Sinus Proximity)
4. Upper Right First Molar & Premolars (Cracked Teeth)
5. Upper Right First Molar (Cracked)
6. Upper Right First Molar (Distal Decay)
7. Upper Right First & Second Molar (Decayed)
8. Upper Right Second Molar (Deep Restoration)
9. Upper Right Second Molar (Retained Primary)
10. Upper Right Second Molar (Root Tips)
11. Upper Right & Left Third Molars (Boot Shaped)
12. Upper Right & Lower Left Second Molars (Retained Primaries)
13. Upper First Premolars (Orthodontic Extractions)
14. Upper Left Second Premolar (Decayed)
15. Upper Left Second Premolar (Fractured)
16. Upper Left Second Premolar (Decayed Bridge Abutment)
17. Upper Left Second Premolar (Decayed & Bifurcated w/Sinus Proximity)
18. Upper Left First Molar (Distal Decay)
19. Upper Left Second Molar (Badly Decayed)
20. Upper Left Second Molar (Sinus Proximity)
21. Lower Left First Molar (Apical Cyst Removal)
22. Lower Left Second Premolar (Endodontically-Treated Root)
23. Lower Left Second Premolar (Decayed)
24. Lower Left First Molar (Badly Decayed)
25. Lower Left First Molar (Bone Preservation)
26. Lower Left First & Second Molar (Decayed Crowns)
27. Lower Left First Molar (Decay)
28. Lower Left First Molar (Failed Root Canal)
29. Lower Left Second Molar (Endodontically-Treated Roots)
30. Lower Left Second Molar (Root Tips)
31. Lower Right Central Incisor (External Resorption)
32. Lower Right Second Premolar (Distal Decay)
33. Lower Right Second Premolar (Periodontally-Compromised)
34. Lower Right First Molar (Fractured)
35. Lower Right Second Molar (Surgical Uprighting)
36. Lower Right Second Molar (Endodontically-Treated)
37. Lower Right Second Molar (Distal Decay)
38. Lower Right Second Molar (Endodontically-Treated Roots)
39. Lower Right Second Molar (Occlusal Decay)
40. Lower Right Third Molar (Decayed Impacted)
41. Lower Anteriors (Clearance)
42. Pedo – Lower Right Second Molar (Abscessed)
43. Pedo – Lower Left Second Molar (Abscessed)
44. Multiple Extractions (Periodontal Disease)
45. Upper and Lower Clearance
Module 15 | Level 1 – 3rd Molar Cases
This module contains an in-depth review of basic third molar extractions. It highlights the diagnostic considerations, instruments required, technique for removal of the teeth and much more!
Module 16 | Level 2 – 3rd Molar Cases
This module contains an in-depth review of mild to moderately-difficult third molar extractions. It highlights the diagnostic considerations, instruments required, technique for removal of the teeth and much more!
Module 17 | Level 3 – 3rd Molar Cases
This module contains an in-depth review of moderate difficulty third molar extractions that can be managed safely in a GP office. It highlights the diagnostic considerations, instruments required, technique for removal of the teeth and much more!
Module 18 | 4K Clinical Videos
Come along with me as I teach you from a 1st-person vantage point in 4K clarity! I demonstrate everything from pedodontic extractions, to complex surgical extractions and third molar impactions while explaining in the videos what I’m doing and thinking about as I complete the procedure. Now over 250 live demonstrations!
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