Full YNSA online seminar
All modules combined together
Treating neurological disorders, pain and channel disorders.
Online course overview
Course stretcher(3:46)
All handouts
All handouts doc
Part-1: Introduction to scalp acupuncture
History of scalp acupuncture(12:43)
Part-2: Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture
Introduction to Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture(82:38)
Part-3: YNSA Basic points
Introduction to the basic points(30:13)
Basic points Yin aspect location(13:15)
Basic points Yang aspect location(7:31)
Part-4: Introduction to Brain and sensory points
Introduction and Indications of the Brain and sensory points(49:27)
Brain point Yin and Yang aspect Location(2:58)
Sensory points Yin and Yang aspect Location(3:56)
Extra sensory points location(4:09)
Treating Tinnitus(6:47)
Tinnitus points location(17:23)
Part-5: Elbow diagnosis
Elbow diagnostic zones(7:14)
Elbow diagnosis palpation(1:41)
Elbow diagnosis and needling(2:03)
Part-6: Clinical application of the Basic, Sensory and Brine points
Treatmant protocol of the the Bsice, Brain points with the dignosis(7:32)
Demo of Point palpation(2:52)
Full Treatment demonstration(12:39)
Part-7: Yipsilon points ( 12 Internal organs and 12 channels)
Yipsilon points and there clinical application(54:25)
Ypsilon Yin aspect point location(36:59)
Yipsilon points yang aspect location(7:09)
Part-8: Twelve Cranial nerve points
Cranial nerve points and there clinical application(5:17)
Cranial nerve points location(3:00)
Part-9: Neck zones Diagnosis
Neck diagnosis clinical application(3:35)
Neck diagnostic zones locations and palpation(79:23)
Demonstration of the Neck diagnosis with Needling(4:07)
Part-10: Abdominal diagnosis
Abdominal diagnostic zones locations(6:23)
Abdominal diagnosis zone palpation(4:00)
Demonstration of Abdominal palpation with Cranial nerve point needling(3:30)
Clinical application to YNSA
Treatment Protocol(12:38)
Part-10: Additional points and Somatotopys
I Somatotopy(11:02)
Additional YNSA points: shoulder, foot, lumbar and chin(8:47)
ZS point Introduction and indication(54:24)
Aphasia Points: Broce and Wernicke’s centers(4:46)
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