The all new Vascular Imaging Educators Workshop (VIEW) provides a complete educational experience for all who utilize vascular ultrasound. Approximately 40 experts from the Society for Vascular Ultrasound 47th Annual Conference discuss the hottest topics and latest techniques involved in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease.
Session 1: Keynote Presentation
Keynote Presentation: Cultivating the Next Generation of Leaders
George Berdejo, BA RVT FSVU
Session 2: Carotid Session
A Review of the IAC Consensus Criteria: It’s Ready for Primetime
Heather Gornik, MD RPVI RVT
IAC Consensus Criteria: I Agree But I’m Not So Sure It’s Worth the Effort
David Dawson, MD RPVI RVT FSVU
The Impact of Intracranial Disease on the Extracranial Evaluation: Case Studies on The Complementary Role of TCD
Ryan Beebe, RVT
Will Technologist, Technique and Equipment Challenges Pose A Problem?
Ann Marie Kupinski, PhD RVT FSVU
What About Criteria for The CCA, ECA and Vertebrals…or Does It Matter?
Christopher Skelly, MD RPVI FACS
Does Parallel to the Vessel Wall vs Color Flow Jet Matter?
Frank Miele, MSEE
Panel Discussion
Session 3: D.E. Strandness Scientific & Oral Clinical Session
Soft Tissue Masses: The Vascular Technologist Role in Applying Enhanced Ultrasound Protocols
David Williams, MS RVT , RDCS FSVU
Perirenal Fluid & the Unusual DVT Challenge Following Renal Transplantation
Mahnoor Bibi, RVT
Hemodialysis-Induced Central Venous Occlusion Masquerading as Caput Medusa
Emmanuel Pelingon, RVT
Intralumenal Foreign Body
Sethimol Pich, BS, RVT
Eagle Syndrome With Compression of the Internal Jugular Vein
Brianna Chochard, RVT
Eagle Syndrome: Case Report and More
Elizabeth Wooster, MEd & David Williams, MS RVT , RDCS FSVU
Panel Discussion
Session 4: Abdominal Session
Back to the Basics: Aortoiliac Duplex
Melissa Warren, RVT
Type and Shape Matters (Evolution & Types of Devices)
Ross Milner, MD
Picture Perfect Surveillance (Endoleak, Optimization)
Maya Hutchinson, MS RVT RDMS RDCS
Complementary Roles of CTA and Duplex Ultrasound
Laurence Needleman, MD FSVU
Panel Discussion
Session 5: Oral & Invited Case Studies Session
Celiac Artery Dissection
MaryBeth Georges, BS RVT
Dissection Cases
George Berdejo, BA RVT FSVU
Incidental Arterial Findings
Patrick Washko, RVT RDMS FSVU
Panel Discussion
Session 6: You’re So Vein
Vernacular of Vein Disease: Nomenclature and Variations
Marresa Houle, RVT RDMS RPhS
The Age Old Question: Acute DVT and Chronic
Laurence Needleman, MD FSVU
I Feel Swell
Anahita Dua, MD MS MBA
MSK and Other Incidental Findings
Brittany Nestico, RVT RDMS
You’ve Got Some Nerve: ID Nerves in Upper & Lower Extremities/ Symptoms
Brittany Nestico, RVT RDMS
Live Scan: Saphenous Sural and Brachial
Brittany Nestico, RVT RDMS
Panel Discussion
Session 7: Ergonomics
Ergonomics for Sonographers to Prevent Musculoskeletal Injury
Przemyslaw Ilczyk, PT DPT OCS
Ergonomic For Performing Venous Insufficiency Exams
Donna Kelly, RVT RDMS RPhS
Session 8: Venous Insufficiency
Optimized Common Femoral Vein Waveforms and When to Look Up
Brian Sapp, RVT RPhS
Lymphedema vs. Lipedema vs Venous Insufficiency
Anahita Dua, MD MS MBA
How to Elicit Reflux
Donna Kelly, RVT RDMS RPhS
What Phlebologists Need to Know
Jean White-Melendez, RVT RPhS FSVU
It’s Complicated (Post-procedural Complications)
Brian Sapp, RVT RPhS
Panel Discussion
Session 9: Non-Atherosclerotic and Low Frequency Disorders
Nutcracker Syndrome
Jean White-Melendez, RVT RPhS FSVU
SMA Syndrome
Christopher Skelly, MD RPVI FACS
Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome
Christopher Skelly, MD RPVI FACS
Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome
Jean White-Melendez, RVT RPhS FSVU
Renal Fibromuscular Displasia
Heather Gornik, MD RPVI RVT
Session 10: Arterial Roadmap: Claudication to CLTI
History and Physical Assessment
George Berdejo, BA RVT FSVU
Aortoiliac: Do Look Up
Melissa Warren, RVT
Arterial Duplex and PAT
Maya Hutchinson, MS RVT RDMS RDCS
Postoperative Follow Up and Surveillance
David Dawson, MD RVT RPVI FSVU
Session 11: Practice Management
Waveform Consensus Review and Commentary
Brian Sapp, RVT RPhS
Guidelines to Cross-train Sonographers in Vascular Ultrasound & Technology
Jaqueline Ortiz, MA RVT
Scope of Practice (Starting IVs for Contrast, Pedal Access, Venous Access)
Jason Roberts, DHSc, RN, RVT
Evolution as a Vascular Technologist: Who is the Advanced Practice Technologist?
Matthew Allen, MHA, RPhS, RVS, RVT
Mind your P’s & Q’s: Productivity or Quality 1
Laurie Lozanski, BS RVT FSVU
Mind your P’s & Q’s: Productivity or Quality 2
George Berdejo, BA RVT FSVU
Session 12: TIPS, Hepatoportal Veins
What Are the Signs of TIPS Dysfunction?
Mani Montazemi, RDMS
Session 13: Hemodialysis Access
Vessel Mapping: What is Needed?
John Carson, MD RPVI FACS
Flow of the Show (Normal and Not So Normal Hemodynamics For Hemodialysis Access)
Matthew Allen, MHA, RPhS, RVS, RVT
Fun Facts About Fistulas
Stealing the Show: Diagnosis and Management of Steal Syndrome
Trissa Babrowski, MD
EndoAVF: Future or Flop?
Nash Jaikaran, RVT
Complex Access and Reintervention
John Carson, MD RPVI FACS
Panel Discussion
Session 14: The FUNdamentals
Student to Sonographer: What to Expect During Clinicals and As a Newly Hired Vascular Technologist
Jaqueline Ortiz, MA RVT
Carotid Artery Duplex 1
Marybeth Georges, BS RVT
Carotid Duplex Imaging 2: Protocol, Tips/Tricks and Common Pathology
Stacia Georges
Venous Duplex
Marisa Marzec, BS RVT
Normal Lower and Upper Extremity Venus Doppler
Jasmine Sierecki-Hutton, BS RVT
Session 15: Workshops
Liver Doppler: Interpretation of Results
Mani Montazemi, RDMS
Release date: February 15, 2025
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