This meeting is designed for the practicing neurologist and provides a review of clinical neurology with emphasis on areas of recent advances and progress in patient management. Both current concepts and new advances in neurologic disorders will be covered.
Educational Objectives
Based on discussions with UCSF faculty and practicing physicians at other institutions, the topics were chosen based on physician-identified need for practice-based knowledge.
The purpose of this program is to increase attendee competence and improve clinical practice in neurology, specifically to:
- Apply new concepts to epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, aging and movement disorders in practice;
- Recognize and select diagnosis and management of stroke, multiple sclerosis, headache, dementia, and apply best practices for their management.
+ Topics:
00_MNR25001_Complete Syllabus.pdf
01_Dietiker.Ostrem_Movement Disorders.pdf
02_Leslie-Mazwi_Endovascular Updates.pdf
03.01_Guo_MS Updates.pdf
04_Leslie-Mazwi_Innovations in Care Delivery.pdf
06_Levin_HA Management Pearls.pdf
07.0_Rosow_NM Case Study.pdf
07.1_Terrelonge_NM Case Study.pdf
08_Foster.Gelfand.GrijalvoPerez_Child Neuro Cases.pdf
10.0_Smith_Prevention of Stroke.pdf
10.1_Fox_Prevention of Stroke.pdf
10.2_Hemphill_Prevention of Stroke.pdf
10.3_Josephson_Prevention of Stroke.pdf
11.0_Waung_Case Presentation.pdf
11.1_Halabi_Case Presentation.pdf
11.2_Sreekrishnan_Case Presentation.pdf
11.3_Anderson_Case Presentation.pdf
11.4_Dhawan_Case Presentation.pdf
11.5_Grouse_Case Presentation.pdf
11.6_Engstrom_Case Presentation.pdf
12.0_Kayser_Amyloid Treatment.pdf
12.1_Rabinovici Amyloid Treatment.pdf
13_Carhart-Harris_Psychedelics for Neuro.pdf
14_Richie_Dueling NH.pdf
15_Shah_Dueling NH.pdf
02.12.25 PM Session.mp4
02.13.25 AM Session.mp4
02.13.25 PM Session.mp4
02.14.25 AM Session.mp4
02.14.25 PM Session.mp4