Target Audience
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this educational activity, participants will be able to:
- Evaluate the latest treatment strategies for patients with indolent and aggressive forms of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, such as follicular lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and mantle cell lymphoma;
- Assess the safety and efficacy of current and emerging therapeutic approaches for the care of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma;
- Compare and contrast the various patient and disease-related factors that may impact therapeutic decisions for patients with newly diagnosed and previously treated CLL;
- Discuss approaches to the care of patients with rare lymphoma subtypes, including Burkitt lymphoma and peripheral T-cell lymphoma;
- Develop strategies to communicate with and utilize the entire multidisciplinary team during the continuum of care of patients with lymphoma.
+ Topics:
2024 IUCLS Agenda FINAL.pdf
Are Checkpoint Inhibitors the Standard of Care for Frontline Hodgkin Lymphoma.mp4
Artificial Intelligence and Computational Oncology.mp4
Bispecifics for FL.mp4
Bispecifics for LBCL Focus on Management of Toxicities in the Community.mp4
Duel Symposium Measuring MRD is the Standard of Care in CLL No.mp4
Duel Symposium Measuring MRD is the Standard of Care in CLL Yes.mp4
Ensuring the Progress in Hodgkin Lymphoma Applies to All.mp4
Epigenetics in T-cell Lymphoma Has the Promise Been Fulfilled.mp4
Hematopathology Tumor Board.mp4
Implementation of Reducing Barriers to Accessing Lymphoma Care.mp4
Keynote Presentation The Evolution and State of Lymphoma Research.mp4
Management of Advanced CTCL.mp4
Novel Therapeutics for T-cell Lymphoma and Lessons Learned from the Current Regulatory Environment.mp4
Overview of Bispecific Antibodies- Comparing and Contrasting Current and Emerging Agents.mp4
Panel Discussion with Cases Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.mp4
PI3K Is Targeting This Pathway Still Valuable.mp4
Practical Aspects of Bispecifics Supportive Care Strategies.mp4
Primer on CRISPR and its Impact on Cancer Research and Treatment.mp4
Sequencing of Bispecifics with Other Therapies.mp4
Special Considerations in Treating Patients with Lymphoma – Impact of Patient Age AYA Patients.mp4
Special Considerations in Treating Patients with Lymphoma – Impact of Patient Age Elderly Older Patients.mp4
Supportive Care for Patients with HL Receiving Immunotherapy- Differentiating Checkpoint Inhibitors vs Antibody-Drug Conjugates.mp4
Targeting BTK- Inhibitors vs Degraders.mp4
The Next Frontier of Targeted Therapy in Lymphoma.mp4
What is the Standard of Care in Second Line Hodgkin Lymphoma.mp4
Who Benefits the Most from Radiation in Hodgkin Lymphoma.mp4