By Sérgio Kahn, Alexandra Tavares Dias
It is with pride and great satisfaction that I present this new book by Prof Sérgio Kahn and Prof Alexan- dra Dias, with participation of special guests. This book is sure to address issues that are of scientific and clinical interest to the readers.
Professor Sérgio Kahn has amassed a lot of ex- perience in the surgical treatment of a range of mucogingival disorders. Apart from his clinical ex- perience, as mentioned before, he is an excellent University professor in the areas of undergraduate studies, graduate studies, and vocational master’s degree courses in Periodontics at the Veiga de Almeida University. He also has obtained several academic titles and honours, as a result of his sci- entific and academic achievements. He always has been, and continues to be, someone who has given great incentive to research in basic and clinical ar- eas, especially in the specialisation of Periodontics.
Professor Alexandra, one of Dr Kahn’s former stu- dents and now one of his colleagues in the teach- ing profession, has deep knowledge of employment and execution of mucogingival surgery, and I take great pride in her clinical, academic, and scientific performance to date.
All the professors invited to participate in this great work all have specialised in-depth knowledge of the subjects they have presented herein.
Last but not least, we have worked together for some 25 years and, for this reason, I have been able to closely follow the impressive performance, as also the clinical and academic progress, shown by Dr Kahn. Over these years, we have always exchanged conversations about issues that we consider very important to be passed on to our students. I am sure that these conversations have resulted in our need to achieve new accomplishments, producing books that could facilitate the learning of several issues relating to periodontics.
I wish you a pleasant and happy read, and hope that you may take advantage of the subjects that have been covered in this work.
Product Details
Publisher : Santos Publications (March 14, 2022)
Publication date : March 14, 2022
Language : English
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