Advanced course on working with aligners from Daniel Souza Pinto Ramos: non-standard protocols and complex clinical cases! A training for orthodontists with more than 2 years of experience with aligners.
In 8 online lessons you will learn:
– Biomechanics and digital planning of complex cases
– Protocols for the combined use of TADs and aligners
– Surgical and non-surgical approaches to accelerate orthodontic treatment: high-frequency vibration, micro-osteoperforation
– Orthognathic approach in complex treatment with aligners
– Ortho-restoration approach in treatment with aligners.
In the new module, you will receive even more non-standard approaches and techniques applicable to aligner therapy, which will allow you to cope with any complex clinical situations.
Skills I will learn in the course
Treatment methods
- With microimplants
- Aligners
- Minimally invasive surgery for orthodontics
- Corticotomy
General questions
- Biomechanics in orthodontics
- Digital Orthodontics
- Diagnostics in orthodontics
Treatment methods
- Minimally invasive surgery for orthodontics
- Digital Orthodontics
+ Topics:
1 Facially, Airway and Function Driven Digital Planning for Aligners.mp4
2 Aligners Biomechanics Rules for Complex Cases.mp4
3 Skeletal Anchorage with Aligners.mp4
4 The Concept and Non-Surgical Approaches to Facilitate Orthodontic Movement.mp4
5 Micro-Osteoperforations (MOPs) with Aligners.mp4
6 Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Treatment (SFOT).mp4
7 Ortho-Orthognathic Cases with Aligners.mp4
8 Ortho-Restorative cases with Aligners.mp4