This one-day, hybrid conference is aimed to provide primary care and pediatric clinicians with up to date information on the identification, diagnosis, and management of common gastrointestinal conditions. Additionally, attendees will receive practical resources to help care for their patients, and the opportunity to build community with the pediatric gastroenterology team at NCH via discussion and socialization.
- Review basic pathophysiology for common gastroenterology conditions specifically constipation, celiac disease, functional abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, feeding difficulty to name a few
- Utilize relevant diagnostic testing and know the relevant situations where diagnostic testing is helpful in common pediatric gastroenterology conditions and implement change to initial diagnostics commonly see in the clinic or hospital setting
- Assess initial therapeutics for common gastroenterology conditions including implementing change to the management approach to infant reflux and constipation.
- Assess the multidisciplinary care model used across pediatric gastroenterology to confirm where a team approach has been successful and use to find ways to incorporate into pediatric practice
- Examine certain red flag symptoms or physical exam findings for patients that require a more expedited referral from the clinic or hospital setting.
+ Topics:
November 1 Full Live.mp4 (2 hours)
CMPA and GI Allergies.pdf
Constipation in Challenging Cases of Children with Autism and Developmental Disorders.pdf
Diarrhea (Functional Diarrhea, Infection, Celiac, Non-GI).pdf
Feeding Difficulty.pdf
Infant Reflux Colic.pdf
Jaundice in Children.pdf
Pain – Functional Abdominal Pain + Irritable Bowel.pdf
Pediatric Feeding Disorders after Infancy.pdf
Pooping – Constipation.pdf
Puking – Nausea, Vomiting.pdf
Rectal Bleeding (Polyp, Fissure, Meckels, Infection).pdf
Undernutrition Diagnosis and Management.pdf