The Cleveland Clinic Ultrasound Course: Integrating POCUS Into Your Practice will provide physicians, nurses and physician assistants with foundational skills and state-of-the-art techniques for diagnosis and guiding procedures for point of care ultrasound. The lessons taught throughout this activity can be easily incorporated into current practices to immediately enhance patient care. More than 20 experts from Cleveland Clinic provide a didactic primer and workshops that will rapidly develop skills to maximize this increasingly important diagnostic and interventional tool.
Session 1: Building a Point of Care Ultrasound Program
Machine Choice, IT Configuration and EMR Workflows
Joshua M. Jacquet, MD
First 2 Years of Program Building: Experiences With Internal Medicine
Ammar Saati, MD, RPVI
5 Years In: How to Build a Program in Family Medicine
John Hanicak, MD
Curriculum Design: Where Do I Start?
Brittney Rooney, MD
Questions & Answers
Multiple Faculty
Session 2: POCUS Quality Assurance, Logistics and Future
Point of Care Ultrasound QA Process
Siddharth Dugar, MD
Credentialing and Privileging
Robert Stenberg, MD
Billing and Coding Point of Care Ultrasound
Courtney Smalley, MD
Artificial Intelligence in Point of Care Ultrasound
Joshua M. Jacquet, MD
Session 3: Basics of Ultrasound
Probes & Planes/Artifacts & Beams
Shetal N. Shah, MD
Cardiovascular Basics Workshop
Courtney Smalley, MD
Thyroid & Neck Basics Workshop
Shetal N. Shah, MD
Session 4: Pumps and Pipes
Evaluating the Pipes: Lower Extremity DVT and Aorta
Douglas E. Joseph, DO
DVT Workshop
Matthew Kostura, MD
Aorta Workshop
John Fowler, MD
Cardiac Ultrasound
Ben Alencherry, MD
Cardiac Workshop
Jennifer Borowski, RDCS
Session 5: FAST, Lung, RUSH and Shock
Focussed Assessment With Sonography in Trauma
James Fitzgibbon, MD
FAST Workshop
James Fitzgibbon, MD
Lung Ultrasonography
Siddharth Dugar, MD
Lung Workshop
Siddharth Dugar, MD
POCUS Ultrasound to Assess Shock
Siddharth Dugar, MD
Marina Boushra, MD
Session 6: Putting Skills Into Practice 1
Case Intro
Courtney Smalley, MD
Courtney Smalley, MD
Aorta Exam
Eric Brader, MD
IVC/SX Cardiac Exam
Eduardo Mireles-Cabodevila, MD
Lung/DVT Exam
Siddharth Dugar, MD
Cardiac Exam
Ben Alencherry, MD
Post Exam
Courtney Smalley, MD
Session 7: Basics of Procedural Ultrasound
Room and Ultrasound Equipment
D. Alex Paratore, DO
Patient Considerations and Universal Protocol Safety Checklist
Shetal N. Shah, MD
Patient Monitoring, Post-Procedure Care and Complications
Lacey Hood, PA
Monitoring Workshop
Lacey Hood, PA
Session 8: Paracentesis, Thoracentesis and Soft Tissue Aspiration
Ultrasound Guided Paracentesis and Thoracentesis
Eileen Nelson, APRN, CNP
Paracentesis Workshop
Eduardo Mireles-Cabodevila, MD
Thoracentesis Workshop
Eileen Nelson, APRN, CNP
Ultrasound Guided Soft Tissue Aspiration
D. Alex Paratore, DO
Ultrasound Guided Soft Tissue Aspiration Workshop
D. Alex Paratore, DO
Session 9: Peripheral Vascular and Central Venous Access
Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Vascular Access and Demonstration
Aanchal Kapoor, MD, MEd
Central Venous Access Discussion and Demonstration
Michael Taylor, MD
Session 10: Putting Skills Into Practice 2
Venous Access Case Review
Lacey Hood, PA
Paracentesis/Thoracentesis Case Review
Shetal N. Shah, MD
Release Date: 7/16/24
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