Cleveland Clinic Cardiovascular Update incorporates the latest science and clinical best practices to improve cardiovascular disease prevention, care and outcomes. A world class faculty delivers essential educational content emphasizing cutting edge advances, the implementation of evidence-based guidelines and the promotion of health equity among diverse populations. Application of the lessons discussed throughout this activity should result in improved cardiovascular outcomes for patients
Session 1: Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Risk, Part 1
Tools in CVD Prevention and Risk Management: To Test or Not to Test? Lp(a),apoB, Non HDL-C
Dennis Bruemmer, MD, PhD
Statin Initiation for Primary Prevention Among Statin Naïve Adults and Reasons for Nonadherence
Vikas Sunder, MD
When Statins Are Not Enough – Non-statin Lipid Lowering Therapies to Manage Residual Risk
Ashish Sarraju, MD
Managing Anti-Hyperglycemic and CV Risk Reduction Agents in Patients With Diabetes: SGLT2i or GLP1RA or Both?
Dennis Bruemmer, MD, PhD
Weight Loss Pharmacotherapy: Utilizing Current Therapies and Exploring the Next Generation of Weight Loss Medications
Steve Nissen, MD
Keto, Low Carb, Plant Based, IF: Controversies in the Evidence for the “Best “Diet: What is the Evidence and How to Apply in Clinical Practice
Julia Zumpano, RD, LD
Old and Evolving Strategies for Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
Luke Laffin, MD
Social Determinants of Health and Cardiovascular Disease: Current State and Future Directions
Lee Kirksey, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Session Faculty
Session 2: Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Risk, Part 2
Hormone Therapy and Heart Health: Debunking Myths, Embracing Evidence
Luke Laffin, MD
The Intersection of Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease: Strategies for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk
Crystal Gadegbeku, MD
Who Should Get a CAC? How Often? How to Use the Results to Assess Risk?
Milind Desai, MD
Management of CV Issues in the Elderly: Geriatric Cardiology
Ardeshir Hashmi, MD
Population Health Management: Interventions to Control Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: Current Status
LeRoi Hicks, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Session Faculty
Session 3: Special Populations
Cardiac Disease Remains the Leading Cause of Mortality in Women: What are we Doing to Address This?
Vikas Sunder, MD
Cardiovascular Disease and Pregnancy: Optimizing Maternal and Fetal Health
Deirdre Mattina, MD
Competitive Sports Participation in Athletes with Heart Disease: Evaluation and Management
Tamanna Singh, MD
Cardio-oncology: Optimizing the Balance Between Cancer Outcomes and Cardiac Success
Patrick Collier, MD, PhD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Session Faculty
Session 4: Essentials of Cardiovascular Disease
Role of Advanced Imaging for Ischemic Heart Disease: CT, CMR, Nuclear and Advanced Echocardiography
Saberio Lo Presti Vega, MD
Creating a Pathway for the Management of Stable Angina in Your Clinic: Structured Risk Assessment and Clinical Decision Making
Ben Alencherry, MD
ANOCA, INOCA, MINOCA: What Does It All Mean? Diagnostic Testing and Therapeutic Management
Khalid Ziada, MD
How Do I Manage my Post MI Patient (Including DAPT Guidelines/Duration/CardiacRehab)
Venu Menon, MD
Cardiac Rehab: Why it is Critical and How Can We Improve Access and Compliance?
Erik Van Iterson, PhD, MS
Peripheral Artery Disease: Assessment and Clinical Decision Making
Lee Kirksey, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Session Faculty
Session 5: Structural Heart Disease
Aortic Stenosis: Diagnosis and Management in the Modern Era
Samir Kapadia, MD
MR: How to Diagnose and Manage Mitral Valve Disease: When to Refer? What are the Options
L. Leonardo Rodriguez, MD
What to Know About the Natural History of Tricuspid Regurgitation: Current and Future Management Strategies
Amar Krishnaswamy, MD
Bicuspid and Aneurysm-Associated Aortic Valve Disease: Timing of Intervention and the Role of Family Screening
Milind Desai, MD
Guidelines for Anticoagulation Following Structural Heart Therapies
Grant Reed, MD, MSc
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Co-management in the Era of Emerging Precision Therapies
Milind Desai, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Session Faculty
Session 6: Heart Failure
Heart Failure Stages, Phenotypes and Diagnosis and How to Screen for HF in the Primary Care Setting
Randall Starling, MD
HFrEF: Essentials of Guideline Directed Medical Therapy Initiation and Titration
Amanda Vest, MBBS
Managing Comorbidities in HF: Frailty, Anemia, Sleep Apnea, AF, Obesity
Karlee Hoffman, DO
Essentials of Diagnosis and Management for HFpEF
Sanjeeb Bhattacharya, MD
Diagnosis and Management of Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM)
Mazen Hanna, MD
Strategies to Enhance GDMT Implementation and Adherence
M. Trejeeve Martyn, MD
Managing Long Term LVADs and Transplant Recipients in the Community Setting
Ike Okwuosa, MD
The Importance of Collaboration Between EP and HF: CRT and Novel Pacing
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Session Faculty
Session 7: Heart Rhythm
Diagnosis and Management of New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation
Mohamed Kanj, MD
AF and Left Atrial Appendage Closure: Current and Future Directions
Mohamed Kanj, MD
What I Need to Know to Evaluate and Manage the Patient With PVCs and SVT
Pasquale Santangeli, MD, PhD
Evaluation and Management of Syncope in the Young Adult
Kenneth Mayuga, MD
Follow-Up of Pacemakers and ICDs For the Non-Electrophysiologist
Kevin F. Kwaku, MD, PhD
Wearables for Arrhythmia Care: Current Challenges and Future Prospects
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Session Faculty
Release Date: 1/15/25
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